Our Marriage & Family series takes place February 19 - April 23. The class meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm in room 1017 on the first floor. There are eight class sessions with two nights for prayer meetings.
Topic Schedule:
February 19: Convictions: Rooting biblical principles in the hearts of our children.
February 26: Finances: Seeing ourselves as stewards, not owners.
March 5: Digital World: Wisdom and boundaries for screens and phones.
March 12: Mental Health: A biblical view of a growing cultural reality.
March 19: Spring Break - No on-campus activities
March 26: Connection: Husbands and wives building strong and intimate understanding of each other.
April 2: Leading Your Family Spiritually: The first church congregation is the family.
April 9: Prayer Night
April 16: Boundaries: Knowing when to say yes and no to outside family, ministry, and responsibility.
April 23: Old Wounds: Dealing with long-term burdens in your marriage.