Church Membership & Baptism

Church Membership

Is church membership necessary? Can't I just come regularly, give as I feel led, and serve in some way without ever officially joining? Is membership biblical, or an artifact of church tradition?

These hesitations are increasingly common today, and they're fair questions. Here's our brief response:

We believe having formal membership helps us live out the New Testament picture of a church better. A commitment to an individual congregation adds focus to the Christian life. It holds us accountable. It helps us commit to care for one another. It helps church leaders know whom they are responsible to lead. It helps create a culture where those who serve in the church embrace the beliefs and values of the church.

The process of joining also gives the pastors a chance to get to know those who are newer to the church, and membership gives guests an opportunity to ask questions about the church’s beliefs and ministries.

Requirements to Join

  1. Be an active follower of Christ
  2. Be baptized by immersion as a believer
  3. Affirm our doctrinal statement
  4. Affirm our church covenant

Membership Process

  1. Attend our next membership class, the Starting Point Luncheon. We normally have these once every two months, immediately following a Sunday service.
  2. Request a Membership Meeting by contacting Scott Martin at When you come to the meeting, please bring this Membership Form filled out.

Register for Starting Point Lunch


Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward reality.  It symbolizes someone's death to an old way of living and a resurrection to a new life that's oriented toward following Christ. Baptism does not contribute toward our salvation because it represents the new life we already possess. If you would like to be baptized, please fill out the form below, check the baptism box, and one of our pastors will connect with you.
